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Fishing boats
Fishing boats
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Fishing is an activity with deep roots in Italian culture, originating from the traditions linked to our seas and...

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What does FIPSAS represent and what are its activities?
What does FIPSAS represent and what are its activities?
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FIPSAS, or the Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities, plays a fundamental role in the...

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Fishing Licenses: Everything You Need to Know
Fishing Licenses: Everything You Need to Know
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Fishing is an art practiced for centuries, which enjoys great popularity not only for the relaxation it offers, but...

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Types of fishing and their nuances
Types of fishing and their nuances
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Fishing, an activity that is lost in time, manifests itself in different forms and ways. Each of these, in turn,...

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Introduction to Fishing Techniques
Introduction to Fishing Techniques
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Fishing, an ancient and intriguing art, is one of the most popular outdoor activities, both for relaxation and for...

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  • Which spinning rod to choose?
    Which spinning rod to choose?
    235570 Views Liked

    Which fishing rod to choose? Today we are going to talk about fishing rods . For those approaching this world, the choice of fishing rod is fundamental for any technique you want to tackle

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  • When to fish for squid, cuttlefish and squid
    When to fish for squid, cuttlefish and squid
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    Eging Game fishing is a technique that has undergone notable transformations in recent years. From being almost snubbed until the early 2000s, eging has become a consolidated reality of sea fishing. Nowadays it is increasingly practiced by fishermen who want to try their hand at cuttlefish, squid and squid. Prey which, to tell the truth, are not to be considered fish, but cephalopods and therefore alternatives to sea bass, mullet, sea bream and other prey which are the subject of specialized...

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  • Which Surfcasting fishing rods to buy?
    Which Surfcasting fishing rods to buy?
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    Shallows or gullies, rough or flat seas, at night during the hottest seasons or in the cold of winter to look for the record catch, before tackling any of the many possible fishing situations there is however a fundamental task to which no one fisherman will never be able to escape: the choice of rod .

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  • Surfcasting: everything you need to know to do the best fishing
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    Surfcasting is a fishing technique that involves the use of one or more rods, of good strength, capable of casting our lines at considerable distances.

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  • Fishing at the San Giuliano dam: the Black Bass lake
    Fishing at the San Giuliano dam: the Black Bass lake
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    Lake San Giuliano in Basilicata has an undisputed fame, which goes beyond regional borders and materializes throughout southern Italy. More than a basin or an artificial lake, it is known for being a naturalistic oasis of notable beauty, just a few minutes from Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019. This generates a lot of interest in the lake, in addition to its generous abundance of fish in terms of cyprinids, is the massive presence of black bass. Voracious predators, of all sizes,...

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  • Autumn fishing: products for fishing cephalopods and mackerel
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    The autumn months are among the most profitable times for sea fishing. Whether practiced from shore or from a boat, the sea has the best of itself to offer before winter arrives. Not only for the large quantity of fish still in activity, but above all for the entry into play of cephalopods (cuttlefish, squid, squid), typical November and December prey. And again, again for November and December, it is time for mackerel and horse mackerel, fishing from the boat despite the dropping...

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    The Bibi is a marine worm present in almost all parts of the world, it is part of the Sipunclidae family and there are over 300 species in total, in our seas alone there are at least ten different species

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  • Sea Bass Spinning: how to fish for sea bass with this technique
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    At school they have always taught that "the big fish eat the little fish". This is a concept taken from Darwin's evolutionary theories, which can certainly be applied to the discipline of sport fishing. There is one technique, in particular, that puts this theory into practice and that is spinning, both in the freshwater and sea variants.

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  • Trout Spinning: The Best Equipment to Use
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    Trout spinning fishing is a technique that can be practiced all year round. The aquatic environments are different, and so are the catches, which change depending on whether you fish in a stream or in a lake. What remains identical is the philosophy of approach to the predator par excellence: the trout

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    Fishing from the reef at sea is a classic for every angler. It represents the simplest approach to the world of saltwater fishing and, to get started in the best possible way, you need to have a series of rudiments that represent an essential basis that cannot be overlooked.

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  • Bolognese fishing in the sea: the best floats for the look
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    Bolognese fishing at sea is a technique that knows no boundaries of application. It can be practiced from the cliff, in the port, from the beach, in the canal mouth, so it is a specialty that we could define as "multitasking". In addition to boasting a versatility of use in various environmental conditions, fishing with the Bolognese can offer catching opportunities for multiple species such as sea bass, sea bream, mullet, boghe, salps and, why not, bream.

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  • Salpa fishing: tricks and secrets on how to fish it
    Salpa fishing: tricks and secrets on how to fish it
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    The arrival of spring marks a general revival of sea fishing activities. Mullets, breams and, above all, salps, come out of hibernation and start living at full capacity again, populating the Italian reefs, week after week.

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